Saturday, June 23, 2007

Thank Heaven for Little Girls

So the little girl I babysit has been having some 'growing pains' lately. She screams and cries instead of using her words or body language to communicate, and she's definitely used to getting her way when she's screaming and throwing her tantrums.

I've been working with her the last two weeks (translation: sitting through hours of screaming and trantrum throwing without doing anything to get her to understand the screaming and tantrums will get her no where) and I'm proud to report that she's going to bed without too much fuss and she's also choosing to point and reach for things instead of scream. I'm so proud of her!! She's a much happier baby as a result, too. (In part, I would wager, from the fact that she no longer has crying/screaming headaches and is fully hydrated again!)

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