Thursday, June 14, 2007

Rudeness...or am I just tired?

I'm willing to say that it may be because I'm tired that my patience has worn thin. I have probably gotten an average of 4-5 hours of sleep every night this week. Considering I do not have children, that's unacceptable!! =)

This morning I was standing in line in Panera, to get a bagel (ended up with Cinnamon Crunch because Asiago Cheese was sold out - furthering my theory that it could just be me in a bad mood) and a salad for lunch. A woman standing in line behind me was violating two of my restaurant rules: a) standing much too close to me, and b) talking WAY too loudly to her child.

She was holding the child, so his ear was about 3 inches from her mouth - there's NO NEED TO SHOUT! I liken this to people on the 'el' or metra who talk heinously loud on their cell phones. When they start talking about the sex or drugs they had last night, that's when I want to paint a smirk on my face, grab their phone and say, "Is there even anybody on the other end of the line?"

When it was my turn to order, this woman then follows me to the counter and continues to stand about 2 inches behind me. Panera is like the airport checkin counter - you wait at the end of the staunchens until an employee says, "next customer." She was standing so close to me that I couldn't even turn around and walk away when I was done, I had to step to the side, then turn around walk away.

THEN, as I was leaving, she was, again, right behind me. I hold the door for her as I stepped through, to pass the door off to her. Instead, she breezes on through (child is walking, now) and then proceeds to stand there and wait for her son, who got sidetracked by his reflection in the window. This lasted for probably 30 seconds. Part of me was like, "I kind of want to let this door go and knock the kid down so she realizes what a be-yotch she is being right now!!!!" But I decided to find some satisfaction in the self-righteousness of realizing that I was better than she was at not hurting her child. lol

Again, I maintain that all of this may be due to me being tired, cranky, and not having yet walked to Starbucks for my morning coffee....

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