Thursday, June 14, 2007

Chicago Drivers at the 4-way Stop

Chicago drivers can move like nobodies business. It's an artform, really. Non Chicagoans think we're crazy drivers, and I am on the fence. I still whole-heartedly believe Chicago drivers are absolutely bananas and scare the crap out of me, sometimes, but I am becoming more and more of one every day.

With the exception of the 4-way stop. Every day I am shocked and amazed at how badly Chicagoans are with a 4-way stop. Being a country girl, and only having 4-way stops in town (vs stop lights), I know how you're supposed to drive at them so that people can get through them quickly.

For example, even if it's not your turn, but someone else is going in such a direction that you can go at the same time (e.g.the car across from you is crossing the street, meaning the cars to the right and left of you MUST wait or cause an accident)...GO AT THE SAME TIME! You don't literally have to wait until the three drivers there before you have gone before you can go. In Chicago, that kind of backup can last for two hours. A 4-way stop on a major street can lead to cars being back up two and three blocks, sometimes, for several hours. On a major street leading to Lake Shore Drive, it's backed up like that pretty much all day on the weekends, and it'll take twenty minutes to get to and through the daggon stop bc of how people wait for the other three to go.

Grrr...stupid Chicago Drivers!!!

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