Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ugly Betty

I love that show. I've been watching re-runs on during my lunch break this week.

I especially adore the relationship between Betty and Gio. I just watched the episode where Betty and Gio chaperone the junior high dance. When Gio tells Betty, "That's just it...I don't want to be the rebound guy, I want to be the guy." I melt, just melt.

Love it! Can't wait to see what this season has in store.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Gio too, but I don't think he will be a regular character in Season 3, unfortunately :(
Betty apparently gets a new love interest.
I'm still holding out hope that Betty will eventually choose Gio. We need to start a letter writing campaign to ABC. They need to find a way to get Freddy Rodriguez to move to NYC. Give the guy a salary raise!