Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It jumped out at me

This morning felt like a week.

I woke up really tired, because I stayed up until 1 am watching the first hour of 90210 (it was delayed due to a Cubs game that went into extra innings.) My head hurt, and my fall allergies kicked into high gear bc the barometric pressure and humidity are off the charts right now due to going a long time without rain. We're supposed to get thunderstorms today.

I had a meeting with two people at 10 am at a restaurant at Western and Division. I thought it was at Western and Diversey. Diversey is one of those spoke/angled streets, and I have yet to accurately read those signs and almost never turn on the correct street at a spoke (where three streets at varying angles intersect.)

I got horribly turned around, and pulled onto a side street to turn back the other direction. In backing into an alley, I ran into a light pole and dented the back bumper of a work car. I proceeded to turn the wrong way down to more spoke/angled intersections, and finally called my boss for some directional help as I was so turned around I wasn't sure which way was east.

As I arrived at the restaurant, my friend called. I had texted him, asking him to call me because I needed some help with my directions. He proceeded to tell me that I need to invest in a GPS because 'you get lost too often.' SO not true!!! lol's one of those days.

**P.S. Thank you, Nichole! It did get better - see my Starbucks post. Also, due to getting lost and hitting the pole, I was 45 minutes late to my meeting. Thankfully it was with people who love me, and they bought my breakfast at this hot little spot called Nellies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw, that stinks! I hope your day improves.