Sunday, April 29, 2007

It's been a day...

So this week's weather has been crazy....we were at low forties two days ago, and today it hit 80 and was pretty humid. What the smack?

I had lots of stuff to do: laundry (which I loathe to do, bc I have to schlep it down the stairs, to the laundromat, then back up the stairs, then away...BOO!), some grocery shopping, cleaning and homework.

All I've done is my laundry, plus a trip to Target and grocery store, and in the words of my mother, I'm pooped. I have to start drinking more water. But what did I just gulp down? A beer. A Pabst Blue Ribbon, to be exact, bc that's what was in my fridge. And I'm ashamed to say that it tasted ridiculously good. I may have another. I'm so Missouri, it's not even funny. =)


Amy said...

Dude, I'm from MO and I do not drink PBR. I'm shaking my head at you right this moment.

nahmix said...

I have to taste this Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. i keep hearing how good it is.