Monday, April 16, 2007

My Accident-Prone-ness Strikes, AGAIN...

I don't hurt myself doing normal things.

I was coming home from the grocery store, and noticed two police cars parked in the middle of my street, blocking traffic, with flashing lights. Two police officers were standing on the porch of the neighbor across the street. I go into my house, and start up the stairs. I'm no busybody...I'm keeping to myself.

Those of you who know me are going, "What the smack? Alison didn't peek out the window and try to figure out what's going on?"

That's right, my curiousity got the better of me, and I went back down the stairs, hands full of groceries. I think I'm on the bottom foyer, and take a step forward. WRONG...I'm on the last step, and step out onto thin air. I land ON my ankle, my foot twisted so hard. I'm now propped up, with ice packs on my already swelling ankle. I'm pretty sure I just sprained it, but am in for some pain tonight, no doubt. Grrr!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn, Alison - you have to be careful! Ankles are freaky - I know someone who broke both ankles just stepping off her porch!
