Thursday, February 1, 2007

Farmer's Lung

A family friend passed away tonight. He's a farmer, and apparently he thought he had pneumonia. His wife took him to the hospital on Tuesday, and by Wednesday they decided they needed to life-flight him to Barnes hospital in St. Louis. Due to weather, they weren't able to fly him out until tonight. He passed away en route.

Farmer's lung is caused by a hypersensitivity to certain molds, apparently most common in moldy hay. They suspect that his was a combination of the hay and from sick birds.

He's a young guy, in his early forties. He was one of my oldest brother's best friends in high school, they were in each other's weddings, and have stayed friends through the years. His brother married my cousin. He and his wife are one of the most beautiful and in love married couples I've ever seen in my life. They have two kids who are in high school. Ironically, I ran into the family this last summer when I was home. My sister called me to get my brother's phone number to call him and tell him. He's managed to avoid going to funerals until our grandfather (his father figure) passed away a couple of years ago. This one is going to hit him pretty hard.

Please say a prayer for the Redd family tonight.

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