Sunday, October 26, 2008

Baby I Believe in You....

And every little thing you do....

Went to see the New Kids on Friday night with the Princess. Here's my recap:

6 ish pm: Arrive at Amy's, meet Crumley and Iris. I fell in love with them both. Crumley has got to be the cutest dog on the planet. They jumped all over me and both Joe/Amy were embarrassed. Amy fed me pizza and diet Dr. Pepper.
7 ish pm: Leave for the concert. Excitement is building.'
7:45 ish: arrive and park. Get inside the building and literally stop in our tracks at the site of all these women with their various paraphernalia: old NKOTB gear, jean jackets with giant buttons, groups of women glamed out in 80s gear, etc. I go into a bathroom marked "women" It was actually a men's bathroom: there were so many women at this concert that turned many men's bathrooms into women's rooms for the NKOTB concert. lol
8 pm: enter to locate our seats. First opening act is playing. She looked like a cross between Samantha Fox and Christina Aguleira. She couldn't pull it off. HEr backup dancers were only wearing pink bra tops and super short skirts. They looked, and danced, like skankalicious whores. Even from our high up seats, all I could see was flying boobs in non supporting pink bras. I suggested that they should have thought of their audience - 30 to 40 year old women who love them some NKOTB. We don't respond to flopping, whorish boobs.
8:20ish: Natasha Bedengfield came out. She was fun. I must also add that her backup singer/dancers had bigger boobs that were supported and reigned in with proper bra supportage. Natasha had some bizarre haircut. It looked like she had one side of her hair pulled up in a ponytail, and cut it off. One chunk of her hair was cut short on one side, while the rest was long. Amy kept saying she had a 'half-mullet.'
8:50 ish: Natasha gets off stage, and they begin to strike her set. Anticipation is building.
9:10ish: the lights go down, and I literally jumped four feet off my seat and started screaming like a 12 year old at a Jonas Brothers concert. This didn't stop for 2 and a half hours.

I did not expect to have this much fun. I pretty much expected to spend the evening people watching and reminiscing about my NKOTB years while enjoying hearing their music one last time.

Instead, my love for them was renewed. They put on one of the best shows I've ever seen - even better than Harry Connick, Jr. They were amazing, and totally knew how to appeal to us. Truthfully, they missed us as much, if not more, than we missed them.

A couple of my highlights were when Jordan sang "Baby I Believe in You." I had been waiting all night to hear that song, and when the opening chords were played, I started jumping/running in place while screaming and clapping enthusiastically. My other highlight was an up close time with Danny in a sleeveless Ed Hardy shirt. He's HOT these days. In 2008, I'm a Danny girl all the way. I never thought those words would come out my mouth. He's absolutely grown into his own and is by far the hottest one up there. Blissful sigh.

Check out Amy's blog for many of the details. I decided not to type them redundantly. Let's just say that the "kids" are all grown up and playing a show for grown women. There was more than a little sweatin' goin' on. =)

Greatest. Night. Of. My. Life.


Susan said...

Glad you girls had fun! But...who's Ed Hardy? Remember I'm still from Palmyra and haven't ventured farther than St. Louis! LOL

Alison said...

Ed Hardy is a clothing designer. He uses tattoo art.

Susan said...

Thanks! I try to stay up on things but if it's not children related I tend to lose track! Thanks again!