Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Helena Handbasket

Seriously...what's wrong with the celebutantes of today? Britney's pregnant and proudly proclaiming she doesn't know who the father is; Paris has already been in jail; Lindsay and Nicole are both likely going to jail. Again I say TRAIN WRECK! The world is going to hell in a handbasket.

Talk to your daughters, your neices, your friend's daughters... Ask them what they think about this stuff, and how it makes them feel. Talk about what their impression of these celebutantes' behavior was a year ago, and ask them if they have friends that behave similarly. One or all of these young ladies are likely role models for them in terms of movies, music, clothing or pop culture in general. They need to process what they think about it, and aren't likely able to do that on their own. Teenagers (especially those in junior high and early high school) aren't really capable of non-abstract thinking on their own at this point in their adolescent development.

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