Monday, November 26, 2007

First Dates Make Me Cynical

I've had some doozies of first dates. I won't go into many details, but if you must know...ask Amy, Erin or Maegen/Traci.

Last night I had a first date that restored my faith that there are, in fact, good ones out there. =)

He was very thoughtful, old-fashioned, and all about how "nobody communicates anymore, and he doesn't agree with that." (Did I just hear a collective sigh from all the single girls out there? ;) I didn't pay for a thing (not that it's about that) and he even wanted to put me in a pre-paid cab for my ride home from downtown because he didn't want me riding the L by myself that late at night. (I ended up on the L because I don't think it's necessary to spend the cab fare it would have taken, versus the $2 for the train.)

But it's the thought that counts, and my faith was restored that there are still good men looking for good women out there, and that it takes patience to find them.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Oh good for you!! I hope there are many more good dates like this in your future.