Thursday, November 15, 2007

Evangelism Takes All Form

I'm currently sitting a Panera, doing some work on a class I'm guest lecturing tomorrow at North Park (yay! I love guest lecturing!) and I'm sitting next to a pastor visiting with a man in his 60s or 70s. He's evangelizing and coaching him on a relationship he's having with a woman. I love that evangelism takes all forms, has no set rules, and can happen anywhere. They're even talking about 'kids today' and how this guy in his 60s/70s prefers the candor of teens who are people of color rather than the passive aggressive 'lies' of 'the white kids.'

While I'm not intending to eavesdrop, I am enjoying listening to this pastor speak to this man.

1 comment:

nahmix said...

lol...i see you are getting in some midday work up until test day i wish i could, but sure as hell will make the most of next week.