Monday, January 12, 2009

Feel Good Monday

Mondays are not usually a chart-topping day for me, but I'm having a great day. Curious? Here's why:

1) My bank gave me back $75. Long, long story that involves my having my bank account hacked into last month. It's been a long time coming to finish up my old account and close it.

2) I have several extra hundred dollars to pay towards my credit card debt. This means I'll have another one paid off by next month!! Hooray!!!

3) Taylor Swift. I loved her last album and have listened to it in its entirety multiple times. I just downloaded her new album because I love the song "Love Story." So catchy and I walk around singing, "Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone...It's a love story, baby just say yes..." Love it!

4) Free Lunch from Jimmy Johns because of a work meeting.

5) A very sweet woman from the denomination my school belongs to (who is from California) coming up to me at said lunch meeting and introducing herself and saying, "I've heard so much about you!"

6) Downgrading cable and still getting to keep local channels, and saving a ton of money.

7) Perdue Chickens that were $.88 a pound at Jewel. I bought 3. They are in the freezer, and will happily use my new roasting pan I got from my mom for Christmas.

8) Buying 2 lbs of country short ribs for $4, and a bag of 16 large naval oranges for $4. With high grocery prices, I was ecstatic to get these deals.

What I'm looking forward to:
Going to the gym! My back hurts and I'm feeling fatter than usual. =)

1 comment:

nahmix said...

it doesn't matter how old i get, i can't help but love free food.