Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Two Days at Home and Here's What I've Learned:

1) Janice Dickenson's Modeling Agency is ALWAYS on Oxygen during the day.

2) Millionaire Matchmaker is always on Bravo.

3) Pay-per-view movies have gone up a dollar to $4.99. That's a 20% hike. I have an issue with a 20% price hike and will probably never order a pay-per-view movie, again. While I desperately wanted to order Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, it's next on my netflix list, and I can't justify paying $5 for it. This is also in keeping with me 'do I need it or do I want it' philosophy with spending money.

4) I no longer have any interest in most daytime television: e.g. soap operas and talk shows. The two exceptions are Regis and Kelly and The View.

5) Being home while sick makes me focus on the fact that I'm uncomfortable. I'm trying to do some work right now, partly bc I feel guilty that I have two big events coming up and I'm not at work to work on them, and partly because I have a student worker who I keep having to send home bc I'm not there to give her projects to work on.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Feel better soon!