Thursday, August 2, 2007

Starbucks can always make me happy

Whether it's a groggy, sleepy-eyed morning; a long, hard day at work and I need some quick energy and a break; or the need to feel like 'i'm doing something' on a day off and I go to read a book...Starbucks can always make me happy.

This morning I went to Panera and Starbucks before work. I got my favorite (and oh-so-delicious) Asiago Cheese bagel with reduced fat cream cheese. I walked over to the 'Bucks and was jonesing for a venti iced nonfat almond latte (only two shots of almond, please.) I happily headed off to work.

Then, I took a drink. They put orange syrup in my latte instead of almond. Now that's just disgusting. As I was in my car, halfway to my office, I said, "Everybody's bound to accidentally pump the wrong syrup once in's no big deal...maybe I'll get used to and begin to like it."

Upon arriving at work, I had changed my mind. I literally gagged on my last sip of the coffee, and decided that for a $4 drink, I should at least call them. I figured they might give me a coupon in the mail or something. They did me one better - they took my name down and told me the next time I come through that store, the next drink of my choice was on them. Starbucks can always make me happy.

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