Monday, September 21, 2009

Work Lunches

So I've been woefully remiss in blogging. I believe it's in part to Facebook and my ongoing like/hate relationship I have with it. I enjoy getting to keep up with folks,but dislike the extent to which people over-share on it, and have found it to be an interesting tool used by those who wish to complain/confront others and I just don't like it!

Anyway, on to my reason for blogging...I have found some nifty go-to lunch options that don't require much money and aren't heinously bad for you. Trader Joes has some amazing 99% fat free bean and cheese burritos, adn they totally hit the spot and cost about $3 for two. I am also a fan of bagged salad from Costco - there's enough in there for three-four big salads, complete with toppings for aobut $4. I recently discovered Trader Joes' Turkey Meatballs - DELICIOUS - and costs about $3 for a bag with approx 5-6 servings. Finally, Trader Joes chicken fried rice is about $3 a bag, and perfect. It just needs to be heated up with a little oil and voila! A ready lunch. We have a full fridge in our office, so it's easy for me to buy these things and keep them at the office to eat on during the week.

Anybody else have some good 'lunch on the go' tips?

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